2011-05-16 | 18:27:36

Beach 2011?

-wear a rubber band or hair tie on your wrist, and snap it against your skin when you're tempted to eat.

-clean something gross, you'll lose your appetite.

-brush your teeth, it'll make any food taste horrible.

-every calorie counts. when you're sitting, shake your leg, tap a pencil, never stop moving.

-drink a glass of water every hour. not only will it make you feel full, you'll also have great hydrated skin.

-cold water helps you burn more calories, while warm water makes you feel fuller.

-throw away any foods you think you might binge on.

-sitting up straight and having good posture burns 10% more calories than slouching.

-go shopping and try on clothes you wish you could fit in to.

-stay cold, so your body burns more calories trying to warm you up.

-take anti-heartburn pills if you're really hungry. they neutralize the acid that builds up in your stomach and makes you feel hungry.

-hit or massage your stomach if it's growling too loudly.

-if you have a craving, drink some water and count to 100.

-if you must  have some of whatever food you're craving, don't swallow it, spit it out.

-sabotage your food; add too much salt or pepper, etc. then you won't want to eat it.

-pinch your fat and see how disgusting it is. think that if you eat, you'll only be adding to it.

-use your mind; think about how disgusting and full you'll feel if you eat, and how much you'll hate yourself.

-take a sip of water between every bite to make you fuller.

-put your fork down between every bite.

-eat as slowly as you can. chew your food until it dissolves in your mouth.

-eat off a small plate.

-eat in front of the mirror naked.

-don't eat past 7pm.

-keep a bin near you when you eat. if you think that you're going to overeat, throw the food out right away.

-try to eat only negative calorie foods.

-become a vegetarian or a vegan.

-rather than eating carbs, eat protein (eggs, cheese, nuts, tuna, meats etc.) protein will fill you up more,and you'll feel fuller for longer.


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